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Raub Report January 2015

January 29, 2015

Here we are at the Kick Off for Year 2015.   This year also marks the 40th Anniversary of Investment Realty Company, founded in 1975.  I have attached the newspaper article that appeared in the San Antonio Express News Sunday January 11, 2015 which tells the tale of IRC.  At least, it tells our history and the wonderful folks that founded IRC and laid the foundation for what it has become. There is not room enough to begin to tell all of the stories that are woven together to make up this forty year saga.

In this edition of The Raub Report please find, not only the San Antonio Express News article, but also an article from Southwest Economy by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 4th Quarter 2014.  This is a conversation with Mark Dotzour, the highly respected Chief Economist at the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M.   One take-away from the article is that the supply of new homes in Texas is very low, in part due to the low supply of new home lots being developed.  Dotzour states, “new-home construction has not increased sufficiently to meet demand … Money, however remains scarce for land developers.”

This lot shortage highlighted by Dotzour led IRC into the home lot development business in 2012. It has been, and continues to be, IRC’s mission to find the best investment opportunities in commercial real estate in San Antonio and create solid investment vehicles for our investors.  IRC firmly believes that every investor should have some portion of his/her investment portfolio in commercial real estate, as a diversified hedge and counterbalance to the highly volatile stock and bond markets.

Our wish is for you and your family to have a rewarding and prosperous New Year, and perhaps, IRC can be part of that future.